Security and the Future
Welcome to my home page. The picture above is one I took in Black Rock City, one of several important places that
has influenced how I see the world. To me it represents people getting together and making meaning. Hacking cool stuff together and sharing
it. Humans exploring the boundaries of what's possible, and all the failures and complexities that involves.
I spend a lot of my time thinking about security and the future. Not just cybersecurity, but also security at the level of civilizational
systems. What would happen to us if there was a nuclear war? What are the risks and rewards posed by advances in biotechnology and
machine learning? I also spend a lot of time thinking about how people work. I'm curious about new and old ways of working together to
build good communities, governance systems, and ultimately a thriving and robust civilization.
You'll find a collection of my work here:
guides to securing your online accounts and personal devices,
write-ups on risks from emerging technologies, book and article reviews, and some
information about me. If you're interested in the motivation for my work, and how I think we got here, read
this post.
If you would like to follow my writing, please join my
mailing list
Recent Posts
Highly aligned political candidates have a lot of leverage to affect policies that could impact the long-term future and are uniquely benefited from individu...
This post, which I authored with Lennart Heim, provides a brief overview on how information security might impact the long term future and why we’d like the ...
If we survive the next few centuries, I think we’ll find ways to eliminate violent, destructive competition. To that end I’m going to prioritize which battle...
I’ve been thinking a lot about integrity recently and finding that it’s a more difficult subject than I thought at first.
I ran a Petrov’s day experiment on Facebook and learned some interesting game dynamics!
Jeffrey and Gavan get meta/nerd out on the dual-use model of risk assessment for emerging technologies, discuss the lab origin theory for SARS-CoV-2, and Jef...
A friend of mine requested that I write up some of my comments on the lab leak hypothesis, since I had done quite a bit of research into this in 2020. This w...
I’m a transhumanist: I like to augment my natural abilities with technology to fundamentally change what I can do.
This is a retrospective on Catalyst, a one-day collaborative biosecurity summit that was held in February 2020 in the San Francisco Bay Area, written by the ...
A number of people have claimed that a full-scale nuclear war is likely to cause human extinction. I have investigated this issue in depth and concluded that...